
Our Categories

The Paseda360 National Coaching Awards recognise the best coaching talent across a broad range of coaching disciplines
Executive Coach of the Year
  • Professional experience: The candidate should have significant professional experience as an executive coach, with a track record of success in helping clients achieve their goals.
  • Client impact: The candidate should be able to demonstrate the positive impact they have had on their clients’ careers and personal development, including helping them to improve leadership skills, achieve business objectives, and navigate career transitions.
  • Coaching approach: The candidate should demonstrate a unique and effective coaching approach, one that is tailored to the needs of each client and helps them to achieve measurable results.
  • Professional reputation: The candidate should have an established reputation as a leader in the executive coaching industry, with recognition from peers, clients, and stakeholders.
Application tips:
Champion yourself, this is not the time for too much humility.
Be honest, and tell us about the rough, as well as the smooth.
Be yourself. We love authenticity.
Stick within the maximum word count provided for each question and ensure you write a minimum 100 words per answer.
Think about the entry criteria and weave evidence into your answers.
Our awards ceremony is a unique opportunity to showcase the dedication, skill, and hard work that goes into being a top coach.
From transformational coaches to sports performance coaches, business coaches to wellness coaches, we celebrate coaches from all areas of the industry who have demonstrated excellence in their craft.
Our categories